The Shiba Inu's Colours Each colour often has a different temperament
The white shiba (not actually fully white as they should have the orange touches on the ears / hocks & the tips of the guard hairs) is the more problematic colour in the shiba breed
Show Breeders try to not breed whites as it is hard to get the colour recognised in the ring, Rocky here is the only white to have ever got a Best In Show at the Club Championship show
More for the experienced owner rather than the first time dog owner, they tend to be somewhat of a handful. They can be pretty testing & need correct handling
The sesame is one of the hardest colours to breed. The guard hair is what gives it the two tone colour. Temperament wise they are a lot easier than the whites
The red shiba is no doubt the most common colour you will see in the breed. The easiest colour to breed hence why they are seen as the main colour in the ring. Temperament wise again easier than the white but not as calm as the sesame or Black & Tans
The Black & Tans tend to be the calmest ( if you can call the shiba calm!) of the 4 colours The markings have to be exact to be shown in the show ring. The reason why they are called Black & Tan is the coat is in fact not jet black. The undercoat is in fact more of a tan colour & the tips of the guard hair have a bronze tipping in the sunlight